About Me
I am a psychologist with over 30 years of clinical experience. And I am currently engaged in considering how I can make the greatest impact at this stage of my career. For this reason, I am focusing my professional efforts on writing about general clinical psychology topics, and on advocating for the needs of adults with ADHD. Part of this advocating is providing assessments for adult ADHD and, through that, working to educate clients and their health care providers.
For those who like to delve into the details, here are some professional activities I’ve done in the past:
- I worked with veterans for 13 years at the Jesse Brown VA, helping to initiate improved treatment options for LGBTQ women.
- I ran the psychology doctoral internship program at Jesse Brown VA.
- I enhanced training in racial, ethnic, religious and gender diversity for psychology students at the VA.
- I started a private practice in Uptown, which later moved to Lincoln Square.
- I’ve given seminars on adult ADHD, women’s issues, religious diversity, professional development, and other topics at University of Chicago, several VAs, conferences, and other institutions.
- I’ve written 2 books, one is about helping clients with adult ADHD, and the other is a manual for beginning therapists, which will be in its third edition in 2024.
- I’ve written a few professional journal articles.
And here are the organizations I am a member of:
- Illinois Psychological Association
- American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders
- Author’s Guild
Please note that I am not accepting new psychotherapy clients, however, if you are a returning client, feel free to contact me and I will see if I can squeeze you in.